VAHHS Update

VAHHS Update, VAHHS Team Updates Devon Green VAHHS Update, VAHHS Team Updates Devon Green

Legislative Update

Happy Town Meeting Week! You may see your local legislator out in the wild at the grocery store or the transfer station. If you do, feel free to share the VAHHS Advocacy Agenda. Next week will be crossover week, where non-money bills must be voted out of committees or else remain on the wall until next year. Stay tuned!

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VAHHS Update, In the News news site and published in VAHHS Update VAHHS Update, In the News news site and published in VAHHS Update

Attack in the ER: health care workers face spike in violence Part 1

It was only a few short years ago when health care workers were praised as heroes for braving the pandemic. Today, many of those workers now face a different fear -- violent attacks by their patients. Health care facilities across the state say their employees are increasingly threatened by the patients they are trying to treat.

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VAHHS Update, In the News news site and published in VAHHS Update VAHHS Update, In the News news site and published in VAHHS Update

Vermont system adopts zero-tolerance policy on violence against staff

Southwestern Vermont Health Care has debuted a new policy to prevent aggressive and violent behavior toward its healthcare staff, the Bennington, Vt.-based system said Feb. 2. Like many hospitals across the nation, Southwestern Vermont Medical Center has seen an increase in the proportion of staff reporting violent behavior from patients and visitors.

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VAHHS Update, In the News news site and published in VAHHS Update VAHHS Update, In the News news site and published in VAHHS Update

Health care providers seek legislative action to curb workplace violence

During a joint session of the Senate Judiciary and Health and Welfare committees, 10 witnesses organized by the Vermont Association of Hospitals and Health Systems urged legislators to support S.36. The new bill would add three clauses specific to health care workers and health care facilities to Rule 3 of the Vermont Rules of Criminal Procedure, which governs when law enforcement officers can arrest someone without a warrant.

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VAHHS Update Mike Del Trecco VAHHS Update Mike Del Trecco

Message From The CEO

It’s long past time to stop the scourge of workplace violence in our community hospitals and health care settings. These are places for health and healing, peace and recovery.

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VAHHS Update news site and published in VAHHS Update VAHHS Update news site and published in VAHHS Update

Dr. Dan Barkhuff: Just send ‘them’ all to the ED, and let the ED figure it out

A little-known fact about emergency medicine is we’re the only entity in the health care system that, by law, can never say no to a patient asking to be seen. 
That’s a vital, necessary and moral aspect of what we do, but it’s also the heart of the mental health care problem. Just send “them” all to the ED, and let the ED figure it out.

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VAHHS Update Devon Green VAHHS Update Devon Green

Legislative Update

VAHHS is proposing that workplace violence, and the threat of workplace violence, against health care workers result in immediate removal of the perpetrator from the facility by law enforcement.

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