Attack in the ER: Vt. lawmakers look to protect health care workers Part 2 

Health care workers say they are being assaulted by the people they care for at an alarming rate. But some say a proposed law aimed at protecting those workers might not be the answer.

Violence in the emergency department is now in the spotlight at the Vermont Statehouse. Lawmakers in Montpelier have been hearing from health care workers from every corner of the state, like Marc Sacco, the emergency department manager at Mount Ascutney Hospital in Windsor.

“Please take this one step along this long journey whether it duplicates something or not, it’s something that we need because the guy that assaulted me got nothing,” Sacco said.

The one step Sacco and others are advocating for is a new law that would permit law enforcement officers to directly arrest a person who interferes with health care services rather than just issue a court citation.


Attack in the ER: health care workers face spike in violence Part 1


Vermont senators working on bill to extend protections for reproductive, gender-affirming procedures