Attack in the ER: health care workers face spike in violence Part 1

It was only a few short years ago when health care workers were praised as heroes for braving the pandemic. Today, many of those workers now face a different fear -- violent attacks by their patients. Health care facilities across the state say their employees are increasingly threatened by the patients they are trying to treat.

It’s an average day for Myla Lindroos and her five-month-old baby, Elina, at their Rutland home.

Reporter Ike Bendavid: What’s it like being a mom?

Myla Lindroos: It’s the best. It’s something I always dreamed about.

Another dream fulfilled for Lindroos was becoming a nurse. “I love it. I love being a nurse and I love helping people,” she said.


Legislative Update


Attack in the ER: Vt. lawmakers look to protect health care workers Part 2