VAHHS Network Services Organization (NSO)
The Vermont Association of Hospitals and Health Systems Network Services Organization provides data services to health care providers in support of their work toward financial sustainability, quality improvement, and health care reform. VAHHS-NSO has supported hospital discharge data for the State of Vermont for more than 25 years.
Support Activities
Analysis and reporting in support of policy and public relations initiatives
Data extract for the Health Care Cost and Utilization Policy (HCUP) run by the Federal Agency for Healthcare Research and Policy. HCUP is a comprehensive source of hospital care data, including information on inpatient stays, ambulatory surgery and service visits and emergency department encounters.
Services for Members
Secure web-based interactive reporting library
Custom report development
Data extract to support your internal teams
Examples of Work
With data from all Vermont hospitals, VAHHS-NSO is uniquely positioned to provide comparative analysis to the entire Vermont hospital system, adding insight into performance and trends.