The VAHHS Team
The Vermont Association of Hospitals and Health Systems is a member-owned organization devoted to improving the health status of communities throughout Vermont and to serving our members in their efforts to develop and sustain high-quality health services for Vermonters.
VAHHS is comprised of two non-profit organizations, the Association and the Network Services Organization (NSO).
Michael Del Trecco
Jocelyn Bolduc
Devon Green
Matt Griffith
Emma Harrigan
Sarah Stepak
Lea Fournier
Patrick Rooney
VAHHS Board of Trustees
The Vermont Association of Hospitals and Health Systems Board of Trustees controls and manages the affairs and funds of the association.
The Board of Trustees is composed of the President or Chief Executive Officer of each member organization, as well as at-large representatives who reflect a diversity of perspectives, expertise or experience to help inform Board actions consistent with the Association’s mission. The President of the Association is a designated Trustee, and the Chair of one VAHHS clinical affinity group is a designated Trustee.
Christopher Dougherty
President & CEO
Brattleboro Memorial Hospital -
Steve Cummings
President & CEO
The Brattleboro Retreat -
Anna Tempesta Noonan
President & COO
Central Vermont Medical Center -
Joe Woodin
President & CEO
Copley Hospital -
Michael Costa
President & CEO
Gifford Medical Center -
Olivia Sweetnam
President & CEO
Grace Cottage Family Health & Hospital -
Matthew Foster, MD
President & CEO
Mt. Ascutney Hospital and Health Center -
Tom Frank
President & CEO
North Country Hospital -
Shawn Tester, MSOL
President & CEO
Northeastern Vermont Regional Hospital -
Peter Wright
President & CEO
Northwestern Medical Center -
Bob Ortmyer
President & COO
Porter Medical Center -
Judi Fox
President & CEO
Rutland Regional Medical Center -
Thomas Dee
President & CEO
Southwestern Vermont Health Care -
Robert Adcock
President & CEO
Springfield Hospital -
Stephen Leffler, MD
President & COO
University of Vermont Medical Center -
Sunil “Sunny” Eappen, MD, MBA
President & CEO
University of Vermont Health Network(At Large Representative)
Brett Rusch, MD
Medical Center Executive Director
White River Junction V.A. Medical Center -
(Designated Clinical Trustee) -
Carol Conroy, DPN, RN, FAAN
Organization of Nurse Leaders, MA-RI-CT-NH-VT
(At Large Representative) -
Michael Del Trecco
President & CEO
Vermont Association of Hospitals and Health Systems(Designated Trustee)