The Vermont legislative session begins today. Here's what we're watching

Vermont Public

Today marks the beginning of the 2023 legislative session, and over the next five months or so, elected officials in Montpelier will decide how to spend about $8 billion in taxpayer money.

Their choices could affect access to child care, the availability of affordable housing, and other economic and social issues that touch households and businesses across the state.

With 51 newly elected members entering the House of Representatives and 11 first-year senators, House Speaker Jill Krowinski says it’ll take the new Legislature some time to find its bearings.

“I do think that we will have and we should have a slower pace in the beginning to make sure that everyone is understanding their role, getting all of the background work, doing all of our 101 and 201 trainings to really get a sense of their committees, of their jurisdictions, and what that means,” Krowinski told Vermont Public.

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Legislative Update