Legislative health committees plan to look back to move forward


With the Covid-19 crisis perhaps finally in Vermont’s rearview mirror, the state’s health-focused legislative committees plan to gather information this winter and spring, before the pandemic’s lessons for the still struggling health system recede too far down the road.

Legislators established new initiatives at a rapid pace during the last biennium in trying to meet evolving pandemic needs. Now it’s time to look back at how well those policies were carried out and think about their future, according to Rep. Lori Houghton, D-Essex Junction, the returning ranking member of the House Health Care Committee, and Sen. Ginny Lyons, D-Chittenden, who is likely to return as chair of the Senate Health and Welfare Committee.

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With eyes and ears open, Sunny Eappen takes the helm at UVM Health Network


The Vermont legislative session begins today. Here's what we're watching