North Coun­try Hos­pi­tal State plan hits hard

The Chronicle

If im­ple­mented, the health­care re­struc­tur­ing plan set out by a con­sult­ing firm hired by the Green Moun­tain Care Board (GMCB), could mean rad­i­cal changes at North Coun­try Hos­pi­tal, and other smaller hos­pi­tals in the state. Those could in­clude the end of all but emer­gency births at the hos­pi­tal, the re­place­ment of in-pa­tient care with men­tal-health or geri­atric men­tal-health beds, and a change from a physi­cian-run emer­gency de­part­ment, to one staffed by physi­cians; as­sis­tants.

The plan was un­veiled on Sep­tem­ber 18 at a meet­ing of the GMCB and it ap­pears to have caught hos­pi­tal ad­min­is­tra­tors, doc­tors, and other health care work­ers by sur­prise…

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