OneCare primary care payments likely to continue


Dozens of primary care practices are likely to receive all or close to all of the accountable care organization funds they anticipated in 2023, two recent developments suggest.

The funds in question that were budgeted to go to primary care practices amount to $4 million to $5 million per year, over and above what they would expect to receive for patient care.

That arrangement was altered when the state’s largest insurer, BlueCross BlueShield of Vermont, announced in late December that it would not contract with OneCare in 2023.

This year, 40 practices employing around 80% of all primary care practitioners are participating in payment programs offered through OneCare Vermont, which is the state’s only “all payer” accountable care organization, or ACO. (“All-payer” means the ACO contracts with Medicare, Medicaid and private health insurers.)

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