Gov. Scott announces nursing workforce grants for Northwestern Medical Center, UVM Medical Center and other hospitals

Saint Albans Messenger

Governor Scott and the Agency of Human Services (AHS) has awarded $5.125 million to four key healthcare institutions to bolster Vermont’s nursing workforce. Successful applicants include University of Vermont Health Network, Northwestern Medical Center, Southwestern Vermont Medical Center, and Cedar Hill Continuing Care Community. 

The grants seek to address barriers to workforce growth, such as a shortage of clinical educators and financial obstacles for prospective students. The initiative will provide tuition assistance, paid release time or study stipends, and clinical support at the worksite. It aims to draw new students into Vermont nursing programs and facilitate advanced degree education for existing nurses. 

“Working to address our workforce shortage across all sectors is critical, but we know it’s acutely impacting the nursing and healthcare sector,” said Governor Scott. “These investments will go along way to help attract and retain talent here in Vermont.”

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Legislative Update


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