Sunny Eappen: Our health system exists for you, and to serve you

Dear Friends,

I’m excited and humbled to be the UVM Health Network’s new President and CEO. I want to take a moment to introduce myself, and to offer my commitment to you, your family and your community: Our health system exists for you, and to serve you.

I’ve spent more than 30 years in health care, both as a physician and as a leader. I’m here because I believe in and care deeply about the work this health system does to provide great care in Vermont and northern New York.

Like other hospitals and health systems across the country, we face difficult financial, operational and workforce challenges. We are focused on overcoming those challenges and providing the best care possible, when you need it. That standard applies to everyone we serve, no matter where you live, what resources you have or any other factor. We are here for you, today and for the long run.


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