Message From the CEO
Mike Del Trecco,
President and CEO of VAHHS
Michael Del Trecco
President and CEO
I hope you all enjoyed the holiday and extended time with family and friends this week. In between time with our loved ones, we’ve been busy at VAHHS putting the finishing touches on two projects that I’m happy to share with you this week.
First, we have a new website. If you visit, you’ll notice it has been refreshed with new content and additional information to keep you up to speed on our work on behalf of Vermont’s non-profit hospitals. We’ve prioritized bringing you the news we know you care most about including our legislative priorities, initiatives to end workplace violence and a helpful overview of our hospital landscape. Additionally, you can read previous VAHHS Updates and encourage your friends and colleagues to sign for VAHHS Update up here. Please take a minute to check out our new site when you get a chance and send any feedback my way.
Second, while you’re on our site, you’ll notice we’ve opened registration for the VAHHS Annual Meeting—this year focusing on “Community Connections.” We will explore how various organizations in our community—including hospitals and other health care providers, but also businesses, government agencies and other groups—can work together to support one another. We share a commitment to keep our state and its people healthy and thriving and to continually make progress on ensuring high quality, access to services when and where they are needed and to work towards more affordability for all. One of the things that makes this conference so informative and inspiring is that we bring together speakers and attendees from all aspects of health care to tackle challenges and enhance partnership for the benefit of all Vermonters.
And of course, we’ll have fun together at the meeting too because we know that building and maintaining relationships is vital to our success—maybe biking the causeway, de-stressing with a yoga class or just enjoying time with colleagues, both in and out of sessions. Our agenda is still in the works, but shaping up to be very strong, so check back for more details as the summer unfolds. You can learn more and register here.
We hope to see you in September.
Thanks for reading and have a great week.