A Christmas miracle': Brattleboro Memorial staff rescue owl stuck in car grill


The night before Christmas, half a dozen Brattleboro Memorial Hospital staff members crowded around a car parked in the hospital’s ambulance bay, racking their brains on how to release a barred owl stuck in the grill of their coworker’s car.

Todd Perry, a critical care floating nurse at the Brattleboro hospital and critical care paramedic for Rescue Inc. ambulance service, said he was driving to the hospital for the night shift on Dec. 24 when he saw an owl “swoop” in front of his car and he heard a loud thump.

Assuming the owl had died, he continued driving to work. But when he parked his car and locked it, he noticed the owl’s wing move.

“I called into the emergency department — and I have some friends in there — and said I have a critter I have to see what we can do something about,” Perry told VTDigger.

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